So you know how your mom always used to tell you that you were too little to do certain things? Well, that is how I'm feeling about Lauren...
she's too little to...
cross the street by herself
butter her own toast
tie her shoes
curl her hair with a curling iron
graduate from pre-school
wear make-up
go on a date
drive a car
leave home
get married
be a teacher
OK, so maybe she is big enough to do all that, but she will always be our little angel Lauren.
She will always be the one that....
could never out-run Mikey, but loved to try
broke Andy's heart when she cried as a baby
always thought Aubrey was the smartest sister in the world
will give her hair to D. if she ever has cancer
Grandpa Bush watches over
her dad loves to brag about
was born with great love for Jesus Christ
I knew something was special about her when she was born.
So to the newest health teacher at Dixon Middle School
we will let you cross the street alone, but we will all be.....
standing on the curb watching
praying for your safety
sending our love
cheering you on
proud of you
loving you