Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How many surgeries does it take...

to remove 4 kidney stones?

Stonehenge, Rolling Stones, stone ground, stone, stone, stone. June was one huge emotional roller coaster. We were in the emergency room 7 times with Matthew and 1 time with Carlee. The doctors and nurses just kept shaking their heads. I kept calling Andy thinking he should be able to fix things, even though he is in OH. Matthew had 4 surgeries, pneumonia, and finally they admitted him for 3 days just to keep the pain under control. I don't know how he endured it. Yes, I had 3 children without pain meds, but after watching him go through kidney stones, I'm thinking having babies is a breeze.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Holy Cats. It may be a little late, but do you guys need anything? I hope it is getting better!