Today's is Aubrey's birthday and I am just now getting around to blogging about Preston's birthday. All he asked for was Lego's. He is a lego master. He knows more about and has put together more legos than any one I know. If the maker of Lego's knew what Preston knows about their product, they would hire him to be a representative. Seriously, if you have questions, call him.
Lego's is what Preston likes, now let me tell you what I like about Preston. I like his gentleness. While most kids his age are into movies with violence and like to pretend fight, Preston is the peace-maker trying to make everyone feel good. He is the third adult in the Tyler household. He is ready at a moments notice to take over any responsibility his mom gives him. He can babysit his siblings, cook mac'n cheese, clean the kitchen and get his siblings to bed (sometimes better than his parents) and never break a sweat. I have heard him remind Luke to wash his hands, Madison to pick-up her toys and Abigail to say "thank you". He worries about his mom and loves his dad. He recently asked his dad what he should do if he Chris doesn't make it home safely from Afghanistan. He wanted to know how he can take care of his mom, sisters and little Lukee. (Please, pray for all of them that this will not be a concern)
In 11 months Preston will receive the Aaronic Priesthood. You may have to be 12 years old for that privilege, but I know at age 11 Preston is already prepared for the responsibility. When I think back to the time the Dr.'s told his parents they should consider aborting him, because of his kidneys, I thank the Lord that Aubrey and Chris followed the Spirit and chose life. Preston has given us a better life just by being in our family. He is my hero and I not only love him, I cherish him!
Preston! I love the lego sets you got. I can't wait to come up and see them all put together. I also love the back-pack and all the camping stuff, how fun, you and Grandpa need to go break it in. I can't believe you are 11, I remember when I was eleven and going into 5th grade. 5th grade was one of my favorite years in school, you will have so much fun. I am so happy for you and hope you had a happy birthday, love you. D
Whatever happened to the little boy who would always ask Grandpa, "Is that a great idea?" And the little boy who loved Thomas the train so much? He grew up. That little boy is now a young man. I can't believe it. A young man who is so smart, charming, and the best big brother a sibling could ask for. I wasn't even a beehive when he was born, and now I'm married. The Coil grandchildren are lucky to have Preston as their leader, their example, the one who will always, always set the path straight. Caleb and I love Preston soo much, and wish we could see him more. Happy eleven years to you Preston!!!
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