Tuesday, November 10, 2009


...at least that's what the test said and now the ultra-sound confirms it. Dani was invited by Angie Larsen, ABC 4 news, along with 9 other women to test a genetic test sold by a company in CA. The company said they have a 95% accuracy rate at determining the sex of a baby quite early in a pregnancy. Dani had to re-take the test 3 times and every result showed a boy, but also said it was inconclusive. I don't think Dani would spend $100 to buy the test, but she was willing to try it out for free. They had the report on the 10:00 news last night.

Here is the website to the video:


You will have to copy and paste it in, since Lauren isn't here to help me insert this the right way.


Erin said...

That had to be so frustrating for D to have to take that test 3 times!! I am so excited for her to know for sure now that it is little Logan.

The Perks of Life! said...

That was fun to see D on tv! She'd fit right in with the good things utah girls. I think it's interesting that the majority of the girls are having boys. I wonder if the tests would be as accurate if done with a bunch of ladies who are having girls. And as far as the link goes, it's super easy. Highlight the word you want people to click on to be able to go to the website, and then at the top there is a button that looks like two circles hooked together, it kind of looks like one chain link. Click on that and then type, or copy, the website url. Try it, cuz I bet you can do it! Things are so busy right now, here we are again, we went a whole 24 hours without speaking. :( love you.

Erin said...

I just watched the video. D did such a great job!!

D said...

Wow, you all are so kind. Thanks for posting that mom. I watch the video everyday, I'm not on there to long, but at least I am on there. I just talk so fast. It was fun to try, even if I did have to take the test three times and still didn't get a true result.