Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just playing...


That's what Danielle said one evening when I came home from a Relief Society meeting and found her twirling in the living room in one of her prom dresses.

...that's my D...

...smiling, singing, grooving to the music, dancing her way through life.

...that's my D...

Today, September 26th, is her 26th birthday.  It's just another reason for the Bush/Coil fam to celebrate, not that we really need an excuse to get together and eat and laugh.  But Dani is a great reason to have fun, because that has been her mantra since she was little, "Let's Party"! 

I remember a fishing trip we made to Montana.  She was five, just a little thing, but her energy was bigger than life.  Matthew took the kids on a very long bike ride in the mountains.  Dani was tired before the trip was over, but she never gave up.  Matthew told me when they got back that at one point he stopped, looked back at this little trooper, pedaling as hard as she could on her one speed princess bike, and wondered what was he thinking, making her ride that far?

Grandpa Coil commented that she complained a little, that's our Dani, you never have to wonder what she's thinking..... but she did it.  She conquered the mountain and probably kept the rest of them going by her example.

A few weeks before she had Logan, D. and I were at the mall.  We had been running like crazy, getting everything ready for the new baby.  At one point, Danielle turned and looked past me, blinked and then blinked again.  She put her hand to her face and in a frightened voice said,  "Mom, I can't see out of my left eye".

 We hugged and had a moment together, right there, mother and daughter, in Bath and Body Works, an ominous feeling and we both recognized another MS symptom had manifest itself. and my D...

Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why do the ones with the strongest desire to really live sometimes have to fight so hard to stay alive?  

...and I ask myself...

...why my daughter...

...why my D...

I think one of the questions could be answered by looking back at that bike trip in Montana.  Because D. had the will to keep pedaling, she was teaching the others to keep pedaling.  When D. is tired, or her legs hurt, she will still bounce up the stairs to lift Cameron out of the crib or just to retrieve a book to read to Sammie.  She will come bouncing/rolling down the stairs again, probably not with real grace, but with true enthusiasm.  And when she lands at the bottom, she will stand up, dust herself off, put a smile on her face and say, "I'm OK, now let's party".

...that's my D!


Kathryn said...

I just got myself caught up on all of your posts. You are a special family and have special children. You can definitely see the light of christ in your family. Thanks for sharing.

D said...

Thanks Mom for the best ‘Golden Birthday’ a girl could ask for. I love my camera and I have not put it down sense I opened it, (pictures coming soon). We sure do have a lot of fun dancing/falling through life together don’t we. Thanks for letting me always play dress up, and for putting up with my constant music and singing.
I know we have shared many mother daughter moments, some sad like the one in the mall, but most of them happy even a little crazy. All I can say is Modeling agent, Salt Lake City, and no furniture in their office, do you remember that day, I do.
I love you mom and you are the one that has taught me to dance even if it’s just me in the room or if there is a crowd watching. You taught me to get back up when I fall with a smile on my face because after all my smile is my BEST attribute, and maybe even my worst.
I hope Sammie and I can have the relationship that you and I have when she is 26 and a mother, because I would not be the women I am without a mother like you.

Erin said...

What a sweet post! Happy Birthday D!

Chris and Aubrey said...

D has and will always be the Belle of the ball. We love and enjoy each moment with her.