Monday, April 11, 2011

As the sun descended...

...rising into someone else's dawn, I sat at the water's edge and marveled at the beauty of a prairie sunset.  The willow remembered the wind as it swayed and the waves chased across the pond. 

The day had seen the fulfillment of a promised made many years ago to Daddy.  I had watched over Mother, cared for her, loved her and now I had brought her home to him.  

Dean commented at the cemetery that she had often mentioned how much she missed Daddy's touch.  It was important, he felt, for her to be close as possible to him.  So when Dean and Matthew went to the cemetery in the early morning to open the earth for her, they dug until they hit the top of Daddy's vault... close as possible.

...and sitting there at the end of the day, a surprise, a wonderful, unexpected gift... suddenly dawned on me that they were together, watching the same sunset as I, on the hill from which you can pick out the farm they both loved on the horizon...

...together again for the first time in over eight years...

...and then it happened, I pictured Daddy taking Mother's hand and I heard, as clearly as if they were sitting right there beside me...


...they were both happy. you more.


Unknown said...

Love the beautiful Kansas sunset.

I am so glad that the trip went so well, what a special experiance.

Such a happy thought to think of Grandma and Grandpa giggling together, just like the first time I met them. Love you!

Madison Joy said...

i miss her so much too. i did not want her to go yet. it is good that they are together again.
