Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some conversations are sacred...

...and shouldn't be shared. 

...but Danielle told me about a talk she had with Grandma Great not long before she died and she gave me permission to share part of it.


Grandma seemed to know she was going to be leaving soon.  We all had glimpses of her deterioration and we all tried, especially the girls, to use this opportunity to build a stronger relationship that would provide memories to last the remainder of our own days.

...and it was in the midst of this experience that Danielle asked her one day how she would know if Grandma was thinking of her, watching over her from heaven?

...a butterfly, she told Danielle, watch for a yellow butterfly and think of me and know that I'm thinking of you, loving you... it has been on a regular basis that a large yellow butterfly has become a regular visitor at Dani's home.  It flits here and there, lingering for a moment on the lilac bush or dashing between the lilies. 

"Come and see," Sammie calls to her mom inside the house, "Come and see the butterfly".

...then this week it happened...the butterfly landed on Sammie, right on her face...

...butterfly kisses, Sammie whispered, butterfly kisses from Grandma Great...


...but there's more to the story and I'll tell you about that tomorrow...

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