Sunday, August 31, 2008

True Lies

So one of the fun parts of having adult children is when they get together and the truth about their lies start to come out;) Like when Andy and Mike spoke at their mission farewells and we found out how the suburban had an extra 400 hundred miles on it after sitting in the garage all night...?

Aubrey, Chris, P, M, A, and L, along with D. and Sami, Matthew and I went to Pineview on Friday night for an end of summer, last day playing in the sand, riding the wave runner, party. I was sitting on the beach with Aubrey and Danielle and D. told Aub, "Remember the time I got a big box with thousands of little beads for a birthday present and I told you 18 month old Preston spilled them and I made you clean them up and put each color back into its own little area, well, really I spilled them." Yes, eventually the truth will come out!

Got to love sisters who love each other.

I love my girls, all 5 of them and their 6 girls, plus Mike and Erin's little princess soon to join the Coil Clan.

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