Wednesday, August 31, 2011


...fastest fish known to man...


...cutest fish known to man...

...male Coilfish, tends to laugh a lot...

...while the female often comes up for air and to wave at the camera...

...comes in various sizes, with the male variety being tall and bald, while the females are short and much cuter...

...adolescent Coilfish tend to be show off's...

...see what I mean...

...they can be found walking in single file formation...

...and seem to be adrenaline junkies...

...teaching the toddler Coilfish how to fly...

...swimming in groups is preferred...

...some are lighter in color than others and some of them have really funny patches of white with lines of darker pigmentation on their limbs(or is that fins)...

..the older Coilfish like to get a good laugh at the expense of the guppies... general, the Coilfish love adventure...

...and enjoy scaring the elderly Coil's with their crazy stunts...

...but no matter what, no matter where...

...the Coilfish  always have an appetite...

..."wanna see how much I LOOOVE you doughtnut"!

...all in all, the day was a hit....but it didn't end there, more pictures to come.

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