I have fond memories of growing up and listening to my Sherrie Austin c.d. (She is the artist who sings Streets of Heaven.) She also sings a song titled "Singing to the Scarecrow." It's about a little girl who lives on a farm in Kentucky. This little girl is full of bliss and it's easy to tell she loves growing up on her farm. I loved listening to this song because it always made me think of Mom and it still does. Mom has such a love for Kansas and because of that, all of her children do to. It's so cool that my mom grew up on a farm! The words John Deer, Minneola, fire flys, prairie dogs, sunflowers, "the snake", Grandpa, and many more things represent many memories and good times which only one who's been to "the farm" can understand. I will never forget the one thing Grandpa wanted to be buried with... his dirt. His dirt from "the farm." I love thinking about the farm and all of the memories that flood my mind. Like having so many frogs to catch that they don't all even fit into one sour cream container. And I will never forget the first time dad showed me a fire fly. I also remember the time I about peed my pants because Grandpa snuck up behind D and I with his flashlight and said "Oh my gosh, don't move, the snake is right there!" Nor will we forget the trains that pass on the beautiful horizon, never to be heard. Oh the memories...
Mom is amazing. She created a home that was full of fun, laughter, peacefulness, happiness, hope, comfort and the list goes on forever. We love you mom.
Here are the words to that song.
Singing To The ScarecrowI'm sure Mom has sung to the scarecrow more than once in her life. We love you!
Aubrey, Chris, Andy, Shay, Mike, Erin, Jake and D, what are your favorite memories from the farm?!