Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No pictures for this, but...

...it was a cherished moment.

It was a moment that cameras couldn't be used, but the picture will be forever etched in my mind.

Precious...unforgettable...proud...joy...cherished are the words that come to mind when I think back on the moment.

Our family expert on geneology, Shay, took several hours out of her short stay to help me with some family history. We went to the family history library and sat at the computer at home entering names and dates of people long gone, but still remembered.

Cards...pink, blue, and yellow, were printed and with Matthew officiating, using his priesthood authority, we added links to my eternal family chain.

...then the moment that will forever be in my memory, kneeling at the alter, looking up at their dad, Michael, Andy and me, together. My boys and I, together, creating a spiritual bond, I looked down and saw their hands.

I remember teaching those hands how to tie a shoe, zip a coat, roll a pie crust, hold a baby. Their dad taught them how to tie a fly on a line, put air in a tire, prepare the sacrament and make a Boy Scout sign. Now strong enough to swing a hammer, draw a blue print for a new building, give life back to a dying patient by massaging a heart, tie a water balloon and gentle enough to wipe away the tears of a two year old.

There was something else familiar about those hands. They had square nails like Matthew's, long slender fingers like mine and strong, sinewy like my dad's. I saw generations before and generations yet to come, being blessed by those righteous hands.

I love that memory.

...but wait, I said there wasn't a picture, then I found this picture and thought it was perfect.

Mike holding Tessa and Andy holding Amelia...in their hands.


Shay said...

Thanks for this, it means so much to me too. I love that you love it, imagine the time we could spend downtown. I will never forget being in the temple that night and seeing Mike, Matthew, and Andy all together, it was awesome. And a qucik shout out to the babysitters who watched our three kids.

Erin said...

I am so glad you guys were able to go to the temple together, I know it meant a lot to mike too. That picture is precious, I love that the boys are holding eachothers little girls and the girls are so happy in their uncles arms.

The Perks of Life! said...

I'm loving all of your updates! But this one, this one beats them all! You said everything perfectly. What a precious moment you described. I remember sitting in the temple with Jessie Gold's Grandpa and I sat in as the proxy daughter... I too remember his hands and how much they reminded me of Grandpa's. It was really really neat. You've talked about your dad's hands before and I love thinking about all of the things an old person's hands have done in a lifetime. Didn't Andy talk about hands in a medical school speech? I am grateful for Shay and her great desire to continue our eternal family chain! Thanks for sharing the story.