Thursday, June 10, 2010

Random photos...

...can be the best. So here you go, check 'em out.

Nope, not syncronized swimming...'s just Lukee and Porter playing keep away. They had a blast together.

...and then there's the new scooter that Matthew bought. We called Andy and told him we bought an electric scooter for Porter to play on. His first response was....

..."Did you get a helmet"? What do you expect, he's an ER doctor.

Andy and Shay hosted a friends picnic at Smoot park. It was a great evening to see how much all the kids had grown and the adults had graduated, moved or changed jobs.

...the best part of the evening was watching the kids enjoy the toys...

...and watching Jake chase Cameron. Hey, Jake, I think we need a bigger slide!!! of the stars of the family reunion was also the quietest...

...but don't be fooled by him not talking, he did a great job of communicating. Logan was all smiles and goo's.

...and being seperated in age by over 80 years doesn't mean you can't be best friends...

...the day after they left, Grandma Great told me she missed Carlee more than anyone else. Carlee was always the first one to check on her when she got up in the morning or when we got back from being gone. They both look like angels in this picture. Carlee has been a blessing in GG's life, making her laugh and helping her feel loved.

...and speaking of angels...

...Tessa May gave me angels hugs every few minutes. If I close my eyes, I can still feel her chubby little arms wrapped around my neck...sigh!

...and then there is the little brown-eyed angel that melts my heart everytime she smiles at me.

...I can't believe how lucky I am to have this angel in my life.

...and speaking of angels and hugs...

...Cameron is definitely Grandpa's little buddy.


Kathryn said...

What great pictures. I love all of them especially the one of Tessa in the truck. SO CUTE! You can definitely tell that those grand babies are loved.

The Perks of Life! said...

Cute pictures!!! Love the one of Tessa in the truck. Grandma told me more than once yesterday that she misses Carlee a lot. She said Carlee consistently went in her room every 15 minutes. Tessa was good at randomly giving me hugs as well. And Porter is not afraid of carrying on conversations with me! He seems to actually enjoy talking to me. I miss them. That was the perfect week and I'm so sad it's over.

Shay said...

I miss you all so much, I love the pictures, it is so fun to smile at all the great memories we made in such a few short days!!

Erin said...

Love looking at those pictures! What a perfect week!