Friday, May 13, 2011

There is one blessing...

...that comes from having Andy and Shay in OH.

...when I go to visit, I stay with them.  I'm there when they eat breakfast, when Porter does his homework, as Carlee practices riding a two wheeler...

...and I'm there when the are snuggled into their post-bath pajamas, wrapped in their favorite quilt and ready for a bed time story.  Porter and I read every night and I was impressed with his ability as a 1st grader to read and comprehend such big words...

...but my favorite thing about staying in their home is this...'s being there in the early morning as their eyes open to a new day.  It's being there as they remember Grandma is visiting and she is ready to play all day.  It's having them cuddle and nestle into my lap, their warm little bodies, melting against mine, as we begin to breath in harmony.  It's their hair, crazy hair, and their sleepy eyes, just slits to guard against the bright light of morning sun.  It's their soft pajamas and their favorite blanket wrapped around them.  It's a book in their hand as I read to them, "Oh, The Places You Will Go"...

...and it's their sweetness, their purity, an honor to start the day out with a hug from Carlee and a smile from Marin.

No, there aren't many things I like about Andy and Shay living so far away from home...

...but there is a certain reward for going to visit them...

...and I treasure those first few moments of their day as I witness the happiness of a child ready to embrace the joy of another day.

1 comment:

Don Eric said...

You have a way with words. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure they feel the same way about you!!