Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's official, Michael is a Certified Mechanical Engineer

Matthew and I always told our children that they could be anything they wanted. They are intelligent, hard working and motivated. They have all chosen different paths. Michael's path took him to Kansas for a time, long enough to become a police officer and most importantly, find Erin. He was a wonderful policeman. He learned to have great compassion for the weak and injured. He learned more than ever to listen to the Spirit to protect himself and others. "Rabbit", as Mike was known on the street, knew when to chase and he knew when to stop. We missed him while he was gone, but we were at peace knowing he was doing what the Lord had told him to do.

I often notice personality traits, or inflections in the voices, or a twinkle in the eye of our children and it reminds me of someone else in our family. With Mike, I have watched him fix something or carefully pack away his tools, or clean his car and I am reminded of my dad. It is such a wonderful compliment to him that he has many of the fine qualities of my dad. Perhaps I am creating something that really isn't there, but I find great joy in thinking that part of my dad lives on in Michael. Though my dad didn't even graduate from high school, he alway knew how to get things done. Michael is much that same way. So, to Michael, CONGRATULATIONS, on a job well done. Your dad and I couldn't be prouder and I know Grandpa is cheering you on!!!


Chris and Aubrey said...

Way to go Mike! What a great accomplishment. You are a great example to our kids. Thank you. Love, Aubs

Kathryn said...

COngratulations to Mike! ...and to his wife for all of her support. Way great pictures again! It is amazing all of the paths that all the different cousins have chosen.

Shay said...

Yeah for Mike!!