Friday, May 1, 2009

Not your mother's 'Pi'

If you throw a tennis ball out of a car going 73.4 MPH and you catch it as it bounces off the car coming toward you at 71.9 MPH, how fast was the grasshopper flying that just got smeared on your windshield?

You don't know?

Neither do I...

but my son, the engineer, can tell you.

Mike's senior project was on display at the University of Utah Wednesday. He, along
with several other team members, created a hydro-electric turbine that charges batteries which are used to propel a large raft up a river. They received an A and were nationally recognized. Way to go Michael!!!!


Chris and Aubrey said...

The grasshopper wasn't flying he was floating when the car got in the way.
Way to go Mike I am so proud of you. You are a great example to me and my fam. Love ya, Aubs.

Erin said...

Wow kaylee those pictures are amazing. I want a copy of all of them! Thank-you for comming up to the U wednesday. It was tons of fun hanging out with you guys. Love you!!

Shay said...

I love the pics of Erin and Emry, great job!!! and I love good lighting, we don't get that here to often. I wish we could have gone. I cannot believe how smart Michael is, it takes a special person to have that kind of knowledge, he must have gotten it from his mother of course. Love you!

Kathryn said...

Way to go Michael! Did you take all of those pictures? They are great! You have a pretty talented family.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful blog!! Thank you for your sweet comments on ours. My son and I looked all through your son's project. He was very impressed, as am I! We also see the strong resemblance you and your grand daughter share. How fun. Your family is beautiful and the photos are done so well. I love the title of your blog at the foundation of the temple-- So very moving. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful example.