Thursday, October 7, 2010

Carlee is a lot... me!

...for example...

Carlee goes to the dentist...

...I work for a dentist.

...Carlee loves to look her best...
...and I just want to look as cute as Carlee.

Carlee is a thumb sucker...
...and I used to suck my thumb.

Carlee loves to wear her pj's while redecorating...

...and I love to wear my pj's.

Carlee loves to cook...

 ...and I love to eat.

Carlee is a cute skunk...
...and when I was little my grandma called me a little stinker.

Carlee loves candy...
...and I think she is sweet as candy.

Carlee loves Uncle Caleb...
...and Uncle Caleb loves me.

Carlee thinks her dad is funny...
...and I think her dad smells funny.

Carlee loves a good nap...
and I love to hold Carlee while she naps.

"Carlee" spelled any other way is spelled...

Today is Carlee's birthday.  She is truly precious to me.  We shared her first breaths together and we have shared many more moments since then.  If you are ever having a bad day, call Carlee and listen to our New Englander talk.   She has the cutest accent I have ever heard and no one, no matter how hard they try, can copy it.  She has learned how to call my cell phone and call me she does.  Sometimes she will call and ask me to Skype her.  When we Skype, she shows me things, the picture she colored, her new silly bands, her new dance moves from ballet class.  I love to see everything, but most of all I just want to hear her sweet voice.  You haven't really heard the word "Porter" until you have heard it roll off her tongue.  (Did you know "Porter" actually has a "W" in it?)  So cute!  My sweet Carlee...her eyes sparkle like fairy dust, her hair smells like heaven and her spirit radiates joy.  She makes me laugh.  She makes me smile.  She makes me happy.  I love that girl.


Shay said...

That is so sweet and cute, I LOVE it!! Thanks for doing that. She loves you so much.

Jared and Lauren said...

Carlee is so cute! Happy Birthday to a sweet little girl!

Erin said...

We love Carlee so much too! Happy Birthday Carlee girl!

D said...

We do love our Car-Car. Happy Birthday sweet girl.