Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Every family has their secrets...


Don't we all have something hidden away that is too embarrassing to share.  My secret has been hidden and ignored for so long, that if anyone came to visit, I would do anything to avoid them seeing how bad it was.  Heaven forbid I should die and the Relief Society would come in to clean my house.  I would be forever a scorned woman if they knew how bad my hidden shame was.

For a long time (I hate to admit it, but really it has been years) I have wanted to fix it.

The problem was my pantry was totally wrong.  The shelves were on the wrong side, they were too wide and to top it all off, there was a cold air return in the center of the pantry.

For years I have come home from the grocery store and placed/thrown canned goods and rice-a-roni boxes, marshmallow bags and chocolate chip packages into the jungle of junk in the pantry.  If I ever needed anything from the pantry that was out of sight or beyond an arms reach, it was easier to run to the store and buy it than to search through the pantry for it. 

All of this combined into a plethora (love that word) of out-dated canned goods that had turned into a Pandora's box (love that phrase) of boxes and cans.  A jumbled mess that contained packets of pancake mix (Christmas cards still attached with curly ribbon) from the neighbors that have long since moved out of the neighborhood, jars of homemade peaches that had pickled themselves,  and broken spaghetti noodles spilled from split cellophane packages were my deep, dark secrets.

Thursday was my day to come out of the closet (actually it was the pantry and I was going in rather than coming out).  I faced my fear and dove in head first.

Step 1:  removed everything, food, flashlights, bake pans, all the way down to the floor and including the floor.  Gutted it!  Gone!  Out of there!

Step 2:  headed to Home Depot for shelves, screw, brackets and floor tiles

Step 3:  fresh coat of sparkly, high gloss, white paint

Step 4:  more paint (looking better and smells great)

Step 5:  start installing shelves

Step 6:   back to Home Depot for more screws

Step 7:  install all of shelves

Step 8:  back to Home Depot for carpenter's square

Step 9:  start to install floor tiles

Step 10:  back to Home Depot for liquid level to even floor

Step 11:  pour liquid level and WAIT for it to dry (hate the wait)

Step 12:  finish installing floor

Step 13:  back to Home Depot for vent covers

Step 14:  Monday night, throw out bulging cans and organize shelves

Step 15:  back to Home Depot to buy a garbage disposal (why does something else always fall apart in the middle of my projects)

Step 15:  eat a whole box of Cavanaugh's mindy mints

Here are pics of the weekend soccer games.  Emry and Amelia love Preston.  He loves to make them laugh.  Here is Amelia tickling Preston and Preston pretending to be tickled.

Abbie's fancy footwork.  Proud to say that that fancy footwork paid off.  Abbie was the first one to score at her game Saturday.  Madison, Abbie and Luke all won their game.  Good day in the Tyler home.

Michael coaching the goalie.

Luke practicing using his headlamp to go hunting with Grandpa.

...still practicing.

High fives to Michael for installing the disposal and Matthew for cutting shelves and being supportive through the process. I know I'm overly focused during my projects and tend to ignore everything else, including my husband. He is always forgiving and patient. Love him!


Ash said...

Way to tackle that project!

Shay said...

Love the pantry, but I want to see more pics, like of the floor. I was also waiting for another step of, "more paint again just because I love it". Wish I were there with you.

Jared and Lauren said...

Wow that looks awesome! I'm surprisingly shocked that something wasn't so organized in your spic-n-span house! haha jk Your awesome! You are such a talented woman. I wouldn't even know where to start! Miss ya! Love ya!

Erin said...

Your pantry looks amazing. I really do think you should put a chair in there for when we all need our chocolate fix:) I love all of the pictures!

The Perks of Life! said...

Mom you are too funny! I lived in your house for 18 years and never knew about your big, deep, dark secret. But wow!!!! I can not believe the change! I'm so excited for you! No more fighting over who has to find that one can of barbecue sauce in the pantry! Your new name is wonder-super woman. And you need to have Dad blog about his feelings and Luke's sign language skills. That story made my week!

The Perks of Life! said...

And I meant to say... this post was very creative. One of my favorite posts you've done.