Sunday, October 10, 2010

Let me tell you...

...about the sweetest girl I know.

Abbie's favorite color is yellow.  And I mean YELLOW!!!  Yellow suckers, yellow shirts, yellow balloons, yellow toothbrushes, yellow.....well,  you fill in the blank, because it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is yellow. 

 ...and now that I think about it, there is a perfectly good reason that this sweet birthday angel loves yellow....

 ...yellow is the color of sunshine that brightens the day, daisies that warm the heart, fuzzy ducklings that make us giggle, and sweet lemonade on a hot summer day.

 ...anything yellow, from stop lights to sunflowers, make me think of Abbie.

 ...Abbie is a hundred percenter!!!  100% of the time, when I see Abbie, she comes running, arms open, smiling broad and bright to throw her arms around my waist to give me a hug.'s a gift I believe, a spiritual gift, to be able to spread sunshine everywhere you go.  In fact, I think that song, you know, "Scatter sunshine, all along the way.  Cheer and bless and brighten, every passing day", was written about Abbie. 

 I have never left Abbie's presence, that I didn't feel better about life, about me.  I have never spent time with this angel girl and not loved every second of it and thanked Heavenly Father for bringing her into my life. 

If you ask for a volunteer for a new adventure, Abbie's your girl.

If you hear laughter, look for Abbie to be in the middle of it.

If you see a sunbeam radiating light in the yard, it's probably Abbie.

If there is someone having fun, no matter what, no matter where, it's Abbie.

If there is joy in your heart, it's probably because Abbie is near.

If a song is being sung, it's Abbie singing with her whole heart and soul.

I love the memory I have of Abbie the day she was born.  They wrapped up our newest angel, put a hat on her head and handed  her to her daddy.  He sat on the couch, cradling her in his arms and cried happy tears.  He was so happy.

I turned to get the camera to take their picture, but stopped and just took in the moment.  It was amazing.  This beautiful little girl, just minutes old, was staring directly into her daddy's eyes and it felt so familiar.  The two of them had been together before and they were just renewing a very old friendship that started long before the veil was drawn.

Abbie was more alert than most newborns.  She wouldn't take her eyes off her dad's eyes.  She was looking directly into his soul and I know she realized that he would always take care of her.  She felt safe and she felt loved.

She is sunshine in a bouncy, blond-haired, blue-eyed, 8 year old body.

Yes, Abbie is loved and treasured by all of us. 

She is joy!


Kathryn said...

What sweet posts! And what sweet grandkids you have! I always love reading and seeing your pictures. Don't you want to come and take our family pics? Happy Birthday to all!

Shay said...

She is such a fun girl to be around! Super cute post.

D said...

She really is the sunshine in my day. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend. We love you Abigail and happy Birthday to you. Samantha now can't wait to turn eight just like you so she can get earrings.

Erin said...

We love, love, love being around miss Abigail! Happy Birthday Abbie, thank-you for your sunshine you share with us!