Monday, June 20, 2011

It's an appropriate title...

...for Shay's "latest post..."..."Giving credit where credit is deserved".

One of the things I have missed about not having my mom here is that it's harder to talk about my kids without feeling like I'm bragging.

Don't misunderstand that, I mean, my friends are always ready to lend me an ear and applaud the amazingness (I know that's not a word, but it should be) of my children.

I think most of the time our lives, the Coil family happenings, are pretty ordinary, run of the mill, not a "15 minutes of fame" kind of thing, but occasionally...every once in awhile...I want to brag.

...and that's where it gets sticky.

...because a grandmother is always, ALWAYS, sure that her grandchildren are the MOST amazing kids ever and that anything their children tell them about their grandchildren is ALWAYS the MOST amazing, life changing, should be president, kind of thing... least that's the way it was with my mom.

She loved our children, nearly as much as Matthew and I do.  She was proud of their accomplishments, but even more than that, she was quite certain that they were perfect.  She didn't just love them because she was their grandmother, she truly liked them.  She got it, she got them...and when I did brag to her, which was quite often, she would not turn around and tell me about how amazing her other grandchildren were, or what someone else's kid did, she just soaked it all in and glowed in the joy of being my children's grandmother.  Usually, after telling her about their newest accomplishment, she would call them and tell them I had told her, thereby confirming that we are good news spreaders(I like that phrase, I just thought that one up on my own...good news you like that one?).

...but she's not here, so the rest of you have to listen to me...

...or better yet, go to Shay's blog(bookmarked above for the ease of our readers) and see how the dad of our amazing grandchildren is doing.

...and you can see pictures of him intubating, inserting a chest tube and saving a life as the doctor on Life Flight. 

Check it out HERE.  Scroll down to "Motorcyclist critical after crash" then click on Photo Gallery at the bottom of his post to see pictures of Dr. Coil at work.

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