Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I always wanted a sister...

...when I was growing up.  Someone to share my deepest secrets with and someone who would be brutally honest with me and let me know when my skirt made me look fat.  A sister to be my best friend through the thick and thin of things.

Then as I grew older and had 3 daughters, I realized having a sister wouldn't have always been the heaven I envisioned.

Sometimes a sister will borrow a piece of clothing and not return it or she will wear your new shoes before you, scuffing the toe.  Sometimes they take up more than their fare share of the bathroom mirror or take so long in the shower that you don't get any mirror time at all.

...and you know that brutal honesty I mentioned earlier...well maybe that's taking sisterly love a little too far.

I just watched my girls quietly from a distance (self-preservation) and let them work things out...

...and they always did...

...and they love each other... much so that they would kill someone trying to hurt their sister...

...or give the ultimate sacrifice...

...give her their hair if she goes bald...


...then a few weeks ago, I had a particularly bad moment with my mom.  My feelings were hurt and I went to my room to sulk, wishing I could call that sister I never had and tell her what our mother had said to me.

....I spent the rest of the evening hidden away, feeling sorry for myself...

...the next morning I was still pouting...

...when I walked into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup, there was a post-it with D's handwriting on it...
's still there on the mirror...

...ready to greet me every morning...

...a bit of sunshine...

...and suddenly I realized I do have a sister...

....actually 5 of them...

...and if I ever needed it, I know they would give me their hair.


1 comment:

danilawson said...

I feel the same way for Sammie that you felt growing up, wishing she herself would have a sister, but then I think, oh how lucky for me that I have a daughter, it may be just one daughter, but I have a daughter, and her and I are and will forever be the best of friends. Just like, Aubrey, Shay, Erin, Lauren and my mom are my BEST friends. Us Coil women share a strong bond; we can have a conversation without saying a word or by just saying a single word. We sure do rely on each other, care for each other and love each other.

~Love you more