Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What do a fish, sunglasses, purple dress and Nancy...

...all have to do with each other?

They were gifts Amelia received for her birthday.

...but there is one gift that shines brighter than all the wonderful store bought gifts Amelia received last night for her 2nd birthday.


You know the saying, "It is better to give than to receive"?

Last night was evidence to that.

There was a jumble of activity at the Classic Fun Center in Layton.  Children, like gaggles of geese on roller blades, swirled around the skating rink.  Music blared and a voice on the speaker system was drowned out by the roar of happy children rocking the building.

When the time came for opening gifts, the givers were excited to watch Amelia find out the secrets hidden in brightly wrapped boxes and under mounds of tissue paper.  Cousins gathered, grandma's camera flashed, aunts and uncles smiled and Amelia, perched on her dad's lap began pulling bows and ripping paper.

The real treasure was in a small, former band-aid box.  And the giver of this home-made gift, Emry, could hardly contain her excitement as she handed it to her best friend, her sister Amelia.

With the help of her dad, Amelia opened the box and pulled out a brightly beaded bracelet just her size.  She smiled as she rolled it over her fingers and on to her wrist.  However, the biggest smile was Emry's as she watched Amelia.

Emry had told her mother she wanted to make her sister a bracelet several days ago.  Erin, because of how amazing she is, knew just what to do to help Emry make something special.  With just a few beads and a pipe cleaner, Emry fashioned a beautiful piece of jewelry that she had such pride in giving.  I could just imagine the determination it took Emry as she picked up each bead, pink dolphins, blue bears and orange stars, and focused on fitting the fuzzy pipe cleaner into the tiny holes.

After it was opened and we all realized what it was, the attention immediately turned to Emry as we told her how pretty it was and how lucky Amelia was to have her for a sister.  The joy on Emry's face was precious.

...and part of the excitement in making and giving Amelia a gift, was in keeping it a secret.  A girl always knows she can count on her daddy to not tell anyone.

...and now the rest of the evening's photos.


Lucky 7th graders...

...only thing missing here is Porter(big sigh)

...the birthday girl

...the fish, courtesy of Uncle Caleb and Aunt Lala

...the bracelet

...being the princess can be exhausting

I was having camera issues last night and when I tried to fix them on the computer Emry, Abbie and Sam ended up with dead shark eyes. Yuck! 

...guy talk

...pretty Caleb

...but not as pretty as Emry

Years from now, long after the bracelet has been lost at the bottom of the toybox(then again, knowing Erin, that bracelet will never get lost.  It will be kept in a safe place for Amelia to enjoy forever), I will show Emry the picture of Amelia, smiling, wearing her gift and tell her how she did something so special for someone she loved so much.

...I will tell her a gift is something we give, because we care about the person we give it to, we don't expect anything in return and for a true gift from the heart, we have had to sacrifice in some way to provide the gift.

...and I will tell her that she taught me a great lesson about gifts from the heart being the most special of all, especially if it is made with a pipe cleaner and some brightly colored beads.

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