Friday, January 14, 2011

If your clocks were off last night...

...I can tell you why.

...there was a wrinkle in the comic universe yesterday.  (yes I said C-O-M-I-C universe (I said what I mean and I mean what I said)).

D., with her great sense of style, always said her kids would never wear character clothing, never, not a Dora or a Pooh, not on a shirt or a skirt, not even on a pocket. 

...but all that great sense of style couldn't prevent what happened yesterday....

D. took her great sense of style and went shopping yesterday with Aubrey, who has a great sense of the common.

Common sense that is...

...common sense that says when the 2 year old red head sees the Buzz Light Year Shoes...

...Buzz is going home on those feet.

All the pleading and bargaining in the world couldn't stop what was happening.  D. frantically grabbing shoes of the shelves, boxes flying, tags ripping, thinking fast and talking even faster with Cameron imploring him to try on the black and white Converse, pleading with him to try on the cute green galoshes, anything...anything, just not Buzz.

(don't get me wrong, D. loves Buzz, he's in the toy box along with Woody and Fancy Nancy, but D seems to have an allergic reaction when she sees one of her kids wearing clothes with characters on them, she starts hyperventilating, her eyes glaze over and she has to make a therapeutic dash to Dillard's before it's too late)

...back to Target, yesterday, about 11:00 a.m....

...I stood in line with them at the register, in awe of the moment that D. handed the cashier a twenty.

...and that's when it happened, time stopped, for just a split second and Aubrey and I laughed...

...Cam jumped out of the cart, red and blue lights flashing, and time suddenly stopped for a split second...

...and I swear I heard Cameron yell, '' infinity, and beyond"!

...and that's why your clocks are wrong!


Jared and Lauren said...

Ah this is so funny! I tell everyone that I'm not going to let my kids wear anything with a character on it..I bet I will eating my words just like Dani did! haha love it!!

D said...

Yes, I did NOT want to pay for those shoes, but after seeing how happy Cameron was and still is, and how fast they made him run, or how fast they made him think he could run, it was all worth it. And they really aren't that bad.

PS I still think Aubrey set me up, "Here Cameron, get Buzz"