Monday, January 17, 2011


...and other excuses...

...for my less than kind attitude.  Not only am I struggling with being kind, I almost lost it at Wells Fargo Bank (*#%*?^ bank) because they said I had to bring my bed ridden mother in to cash her own $200 check, never mind she has thousands and thousands in her account that I wasn't trying to steal and never mind I have done this for her for years without a problem and never mind I had all her account info and never mind that they made a mistake  and looked up the wrong account to begin with and never mind that I am about to have a major melt down in a very public setting!  But since I'm trying to not be a crazy woman, I'm not going to tell you how I handled the bank issue.  Stupid bank...yes, I said the "S" word, so don't let my grandkids read this blog post.

...there I feel better...

...but that's not what this post is about.'s really about this...

My living room currently looks like someone's home that needs a makeover, redo or even, possibly, an Oprah intervention for hoarding.  You remember how I shared my deep, dark secret about the kitchen pantry.  Well, just across the hall from there is our coat, game, puzzle, glove, vacuum, vacuum accessory and binocular closet. have it...another family secret.  Evidence of former lives in this home include, ski jackets with 2002-3 lift passes still attached, assorted faces that have fallen out of the Guess Who game box, re-gifted gift bags from Aubrey's wedding(really, I'm serious, there was a white lacy gift bag with Aubrey's name written on the little card on the handle),  a puzzle piece that appears to be a dog's paw that will never be put in the right box, the hat from Monopoly along with several hundred dollars that fell from the ripped end of the game of Life box and tax records from 1999.  I even found a folder containing several pages of kindergarten handwriting, Preston's name scrawled across the top(just in case you forgot, Preston is in 6th grade now).

...and why, you ask, am I blogging about another mess in my home.  It's because no matter how bad the living room looks(including the washer and dryer in the entry), doesn't look as bad as this.....


....there, you have it, my excuse for poor behavior.

...but wait, I see something...

...way down there...'s a light... the end of the tunnel!

...Ooops, what I meant to say is...

...there are nine new lights hanging from the ceiling of my kitchen...

...along with yards and yards of new Pex(if you don't know what that is, call me, because I now know all about Pex, sill seal, fittings and what aisle they are on at Home Depot, and if you see Katy at Home Depot, tell her I said hello.  She and I became good friends during my 11 visits there last Saturday.)

...and all of this is courtesy of my engineer son, Michael

...and my equally talented son-in-law, soon to be engineer, Caleb. when I came home from church on Sunday and found this scrawled on the inside of the outside wall of the kitchen, I had a good cry. I don't know why, but typically I don't cry during the trial, it's usually after the dust has settled that I finally let it all out...

..but Sunday was the day.

Maybe Mike knew something I didn't know...

...that I needed to know I really deserve a new kitchen.  Maybe he knew I had been feeling guilty spending A LOT of money on something that I will enjoy more than anyone else.  Maybe he knew it would be good for me to know how much he cares about me.


The sheetrock is going up today and his message will be hidden from sight, but when I am having a downer day, I can look at the shiny new maple cabinets and know there is a hidden treasure behind them.

...a little gift among a lot of new gifts...

...a little expression of love that will help me through the difficult times to come.

Thank you Michael...

...for everything!

1 comment:

Jared and Lauren said...

That's so exciting that you are getting a new kitchen! You totally deserve it I can't wait to see pictures!