Monday, March 7, 2011

Promises made...

...are promises kept.

My mother made certain covenants or promises with me and she kept all of them...

...except one that has yet to be fulfilled.

...but in time, I fully expect her to follow through on that one too.

I remember getting lost in the grocery store when I was a little girl, probably about 4 or 5 years old.  We were in Raiser's grocery store in Minneola.  There may have been 6 or 7 aisles with food on 3 or 4 of those shelves.  They had 1 small grocery cart, just my size, along with several more adult sized carts.  I use to take my doll with me and put her in the cart, following my mom from one aisle to another.  At some point I must have gotten distracted, probably with chocolate of one sort or another, and when I looked up, she was gone.

Gone? Gone where?  How far could she go in this one horse town grocery store?  It didn't matter how far she went, the problem was she was out of sight and my little 5 year old heart panicked.  I remember crying and yelling for her.  She immediately recognized the fear in my voice and came running around the end of the aisle to sweep me up in her arms...

...then all was right in my little universe again.

The most important thing she said to me afterward is something I have clung to this past week.  She promised me then and there that she would never, not ever leave me anywhere or at any time.  She promised.  She promised she would always, always come back for me. now that she is gone from my sight I will miss her with a terribly homesick heart, but I know someday, somewhere, she will come back for me.

...then all will be right in my universe again.

Love you more!

1 comment:

Don Eric said...

I know she will keep her promise to you !!

Love to you all,

Don Eric