Saturday, February 26, 2011

A lady should always...

...have her nails done for the important times in life, such as going to see her husband again for the first time in 8 years.

Danielle painted her nails today.

Our hands can tell so much about our history.

Where we have been.  What we have done.  What we have suffered.  Scars, wrinkles, freckles, callouses, soft, tender and at the same time strong. 

We put a beautiful, pink satin gown on her and plumped her pillows.

I handed Dani the camera and then I adjusted the pictures a little.  Her fingers are blue from lack of oxygen.  I have a large purple bruise on my hand from what ever thing I bumped.  

I have on mother's ring daddy bought her and she has on the ring I gave her.  

I just needed to have this picture to look back at...

...I want to always remember her hand holding my hand, just as she would have held my hand the day I was born.

I know it's probably over doing it to have several of the same photos, but I loved each of them.

1 comment:

Jared and Lauren said...

I love the pictures! What a special memory. I love you and my thoughts and prayers are with you!