Saturday, February 19, 2011

Outdoor show highlights...

It was a cold and gray Saturday when Cameron showed up to go to the outdoor hunting show, wearing his orange hat, camo coat, Buzz lightyear blinking shoes and his camo backpack.  I could tell he was ready to go from the serious look on his face.  We were all excited.  Preston and Luke slept over at Gramma and Grampa's, we had Macdonalds for breakfast and then waited for Jake, Cameron, Chris and Quinn to show up.

Cameron brought his hunting buddy along, Jake was gonna be his guide.
The first animal inside the entrance was this massive griz, made everyone stop and admire. 

We all stopped and posed for a few pictures, made me feel like I was back in Fairbanks looking up at the grizzly in the airport.

Chris brought one of the young men from his ward, Quinn's dad died about seven years ago, so he needs a good outing with the guys once in a while.

Quinn was really good with Preston and Luke, I invited him to come elk hunting with us next fall, he can learn to bugle with Preston, it could be a grand outing.

This leopard was impressive.  There are hundreds of animal mounts from every country and continent.  The displays are inspiring.   Luke, Preston and Cameron had to look every one of the taxidermy mounts right in the eye and make sure they weren't blinking or breathing. 

Preston and Cameron wanted to pose with the deer hiding in the trees.  I think Cameron kept looking at every animal to see if one of them was alive.  Cameron was trying to figure out what taxidermy means.

I took Kaylee out to Farmington bay to see a real live eagle.  It was a clear, cold February blue sky afternoon.  This is about two miles west of our home, there are hundreds of eagles that winter out there. 

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